2023-01-22 17:59:14 +01:00

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NixOS Server

Configuration files for my personal server, powered by NixOS.


The configuration is sliced into different files, per category:

  • ZFS pool configuration: hardware-configuration.nix
  • Network configuration: networking.nix
  • Synchronization and backup services: datasync.nix
  • Web services and reverse proxy: webstack.nix
  • Development tools: devops.nix
  • Smartd: monitoring.nix
  • Systemd services and timers: periodic.nix
  • Curated articles: information.nix

All the modules are imported in configuration.nix


  1. Download the sdcard image
  2. Connect a keyboard to the Raspberry Pi and set the password
sudo su

The default user is nixos

  1. Move the repo to the server and the agenix key
scp -R Projects/zion zion:/home/nixos/system
scp .ssh/zion root@zion:/etc/ssh/id_ed25519
  1. Rebuild the system using Flakes
nix-shell -p git
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake /home/nixos/system#zion --impure
  1. Restore the SQL databases
psql -U postgres -f /vault/backups/zion/databases/all.sql