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We will first try to gather information about our dataset, by evaluating the statistics of our attributes.

from pandas import read_csv
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

def replace_values(df):
    columns = ["BI-RADS", "Margin", "Density", "Age"]
    for column in columns:
        df[column].fillna(value=df[column].mean(), inplace=True)
    return df

def process_na(df, action):
    if action == "drop":
        return df.dropna()
    return replace_values(df)

def encode_columns(df):
    encoder = LabelEncoder()["Shape"])

def parse_data(source, action):
    df = read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=source, na_values="?")
    processed_df = process_na(df, action)
    return processed_df
df = parse_data("../data/mamografia.csv", "drop")
          BI-RADS         Age      Margin     Density
count  847.000000  847.000000  847.000000  847.000000
mean     4.322314   55.842975    2.833530    2.909091
std      0.703762   14.603754    1.564049    0.370292
min      0.000000   18.000000    1.000000    1.000000
25%      4.000000   46.000000    1.000000    3.000000
50%      4.000000   57.000000    3.000000    3.000000
75%      5.000000   66.000000    4.000000    3.000000
max      6.000000   96.000000    5.000000    4.000000

We observe that margin and density are the columns with the most unknown values. The age group of our cohort is middle aged, the BI-RADS score is mostly in the suspicious category, the density is mostly low and the margin belongs to the microlobulated/obscured category.

We'll try to impute values, instead of dropping them, when they're invalid.

df = parse_data("../data/mamografia.csv", "replace")
          BI-RADS         Age      Margin     Density
count  961.000000  961.000000  961.000000  961.000000
mean     4.296142   55.487448    2.796276    2.910734
std      0.705555   14.442373    1.526880    0.365074
min      0.000000   18.000000    1.000000    1.000000
25%      4.000000   45.000000    1.000000    3.000000
50%      4.000000   57.000000    3.000000    3.000000
75%      5.000000   66.000000    4.000000    3.000000
max      6.000000   96.000000    5.000000    4.000000