#+TITLE: The axolotl genome and the evolution of key tissue formation regulators #+AUTHOR: Amin Kasrou Aouam #+SUBTITLE: Genome Biology #+PANDOC_OPTIONS: pdf-engine:xelatex #+PANDOC_METADATA: theme:metropolis * Introduction - /Ambystoma mexicanum/ - No metaphormosis - Extensive regeneration abilities \vspace{1.3cm} #+caption: Axolotl #+attr_html: :width 50% :height :30% [[./assets/axolotl.jpg]] * Genome characteristics - Large genome: *32 Gb* - High number of repeats: ~65% - Mostly long terminal repeats (LTR) \vspace{2cm} #+caption: Major repeat classes #+attr_html: :width 50% :height :40% [[./assets/repeats.png]] * Methods - PacBio + Illumina - Development of a novel genome assembler (MARVEL) - Thorough assessment of the genome assembly * Genome annotation and analysis - Protein-coding genes: ~23.000 - Large median intron size: x13 human - Intron size varies in developmental genes - Identification of 5 transcripts \vspace{1.5cm} #+caption: Median intron sizes #+attr_html: :width 50% :height :40% [[./assets/introns.png]] * Comparative genomics analysis - Analysis of homologs: *Pax* family - Deletion of Pax3: functionality present in Pax7 - Mutation experiments: CRISPR and TALEN #+caption: Effect of a Pax7 mutation #+attr_html: :width 60% :height :50% [[./assets/knock-out.png]] * Conclusion - Sequencing and annotation of a challenging organism - Identification of limb regeneration transcripts - Foundation to investigate gene regulation in regeneration