2021-03-25 17:23:36 +01:00

503 lines
15 KiB

'use strict';
const Iconv = require('iconv-lite');
const Utils = require('../misc/utils');
const QUOTE = 0x27;
const DBL_QUOTE = 0x22;
const ZERO_BYTE = 0x00;
const SLASH = 0x5c;
//increase by level to avoid buffer copy.
const SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
const MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384; //16k
const LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE = 131072; //128k
const BIG_BUFFER_SIZE = 1048576; //1M
const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 16777219; //16M + 4
const CHARS_GLOBAL_REGEXP = /[\0\"\'\\\b\n\r\t\u001A]/g; // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
* MySQL packet builder.
* @param opts options
* @param info connection info
* @constructor
class PacketOutputStream {
constructor(opts, info) {
this.opts = opts;
this.info = info;
this.pos = 4;
this.buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
this.changeDebug(this.opts.logPackets, this.opts.debug);
this.opts.on('collation', this.changeEncoding.bind(this));
this.opts.on('debug', this.changeDebug.bind(this));
changeEncoding(collation) {
this.encoding = collation.charset;
if (this.encoding === 'utf8') {
this.writeString = this.writeDefaultBufferString;
this.writeStringEscapeQuote = this.writeUtf8StringEscapeQuote;
} else if (Buffer.isEncoding(this.encoding)) {
this.writeString = this.writeDefaultBufferString;
this.writeStringEscapeQuote = this.writeDefaultStringEscapeQuote;
} else {
this.writeString = this.writeDefaultIconvString;
this.writeStringEscapeQuote = this.writeDefaultStringEscapeQuote;
changeDebug(logPackets, debug) {
this.logPackets = logPackets;
this.debug = debug;
this.flushBuffer =
this.logPackets || this.debug ? this.flushBufferDebug : this.flushBufferBasic;
setStream(stream) {
this.stream = stream;
growBuffer(len) {
let newCapacity;
if (len + this.pos < MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE) {
} else if (len + this.pos < LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
newCapacity = LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE;
} else if (len + this.pos < BIG_BUFFER_SIZE) {
newCapacity = BIG_BUFFER_SIZE;
} else newCapacity = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
let newBuf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(newCapacity);
this.buf.copy(newBuf, 0, 0, this.pos);
this.buf = newBuf;
startPacket(cmd) {
this.cmd = cmd;
this.pos = 4;
writeInt8(value) {
if (this.pos + 1 >= this.buf.length) {
if (this.pos >= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
//buffer is more than a Packet, must flushBuffer()
this.flushBuffer(false, 1);
} else this.growBuffer(1);
this.buf[this.pos++] = value;
writeInt16(value) {
if (this.pos + 2 >= this.buf.length) {
let b = Buffer.allocUnsafe(2);
b.writeUInt16LE(value, 0);
this.writeBuffer(b, 0, 2);
this.buf[this.pos] = value;
this.buf[this.pos + 1] = value >> 8;
this.pos += 2;
writeInt16AtPos(initPos) {
this.buf[initPos] = this.pos - initPos - 2;
this.buf[initPos + 1] = (this.pos - initPos - 2) >> 8;
writeInt32(value) {
if (this.pos + 4 >= this.buf.length) {
//not enough space remaining
let arr = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);
arr.writeInt32LE(value, 0);
this.writeBuffer(arr, 0, 4);
this.buf[this.pos] = value;
this.buf[this.pos + 1] = value >> 8;
this.buf[this.pos + 2] = value >> 16;
this.buf[this.pos + 3] = value >> 24;
this.pos += 4;
writeLengthCoded(len) {
//length encoded can be null(0xfb) or bigger than 65k, but only if using binary protocol
//so not implemented for now
if (len < 0xfb) {
//max length is len < 0xffff
writeBuffer(arr, off, len) {
if (len > this.buf.length - this.pos) {
if (this.buf.length !== MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
//max buffer size
if (len > this.buf.length - this.pos) {
//not enough space in buffer, will stream :
// fill buffer and flush until all data are snd
let remainingLen = len;
while (true) {
//filling buffer
let lenToFillBuffer = Math.min(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - this.pos, remainingLen);
arr.copy(this.buf, this.pos, off, off + lenToFillBuffer);
remainingLen -= lenToFillBuffer;
off += lenToFillBuffer;
this.pos += lenToFillBuffer;
if (remainingLen === 0) return;
this.flushBuffer(false, remainingLen);
arr.copy(this.buf, this.pos, off, off + len);
this.pos += len;
* Write ascii string to socket (no escaping)
* @param str string
writeStringAscii(str) {
let len = str.length;
//not enough space remaining
if (len >= this.buf.length - this.pos) {
let strBuf = Buffer.from(str, 'ascii');
this.writeBuffer(strBuf, 0, strBuf.length);
for (let off = 0; off < len; ) {
this.buf[this.pos++] = str.charCodeAt(off++);
writeUtf8StringEscapeQuote(str) {
const charsLength = str.length;
//not enough space remaining
if (charsLength * 3 + 2 >= this.buf.length - this.pos) {
const arr = Buffer.from(str, 'utf8');
//create UTF-8 byte array
//since javascript char are internally using UTF-16 using surrogate's pattern, 4 bytes unicode characters will
//represent 2 characters : example "\uD83C\uDFA4" = 🎤 unicode 8 "no microphones"
//so max size is 3 * charLength
//(escape characters are 1 byte encoded, so length might only be 2 when escaped)
// + 2 for the quotes for text protocol
let charsOffset = 0;
let currChar;
this.buf[this.pos++] = QUOTE;
//quick loop if only ASCII chars for faster escape
for (
charsOffset < charsLength && (currChar = str.charCodeAt(charsOffset)) < 0x80;
) {
if (
currChar === SLASH ||
currChar === QUOTE ||
currChar === ZERO_BYTE ||
currChar === DBL_QUOTE
) {
this.buf[this.pos++] = SLASH;
this.buf[this.pos++] = currChar;
//if quick loop not finished
while (charsOffset < charsLength) {
currChar = str.charCodeAt(charsOffset++);
if (currChar < 0x80) {
if (
currChar === SLASH ||
currChar === QUOTE ||
currChar === ZERO_BYTE ||
currChar === DBL_QUOTE
) {
this.buf[this.pos++] = SLASH;
this.buf[this.pos++] = currChar;
} else if (currChar < 0x800) {
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0xc0 | (currChar >> 6);
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x80 | (currChar & 0x3f);
} else if (currChar >= 0xd800 && currChar < 0xe000) {
//reserved for surrogate - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16
if (currChar < 0xdc00) {
//is high surrogate
if (charsOffset + 1 > charsLength) {
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x3f;
} else {
const nextChar = str.charCodeAt(charsOffset);
if (nextChar >= 0xdc00 && nextChar < 0xe000) {
//is low surrogate
const surrogatePairs =
(currChar << 10) + nextChar + (0x010000 - (0xd800 << 10) - 0xdc00);
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0xf0 | (surrogatePairs >> 18);
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x80 | ((surrogatePairs >> 12) & 0x3f);
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x80 | ((surrogatePairs >> 6) & 0x3f);
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x80 | (surrogatePairs & 0x3f);
} else {
//must have low surrogate
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x3f;
} else {
//low surrogate without high surrogate before
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x3f;
} else {
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0xe0 | (currChar >> 12);
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x80 | ((currChar >> 6) & 0x3f);
this.buf[this.pos++] = 0x80 | (currChar & 0x3f);
this.buf[this.pos++] = QUOTE;
writeDefaultBufferString(str) {
//javascript use UCS-2 or UTF-16 string internal representation
//that means that string to byte will be a maximum of * 3
// (4 bytes utf-8 are represented on 2 UTF-16 characters)
if (str.length * 3 < this.buf.length - this.pos) {
this.pos += this.buf.write(str, this.pos, this.encoding);
//checking real length
let byteLength = Buffer.byteLength(str, this.encoding);
if (byteLength > this.buf.length - this.pos) {
if (this.buf.length < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
if (byteLength > this.buf.length - this.pos) {
//not enough space in buffer, will stream :
let strBuf = Buffer.from(str, this.encoding);
this.writeBuffer(strBuf, 0, strBuf.length);
this.pos += this.buf.write(str, this.pos, this.encoding);
writeDefaultIconvString(str) {
let buf = Iconv.encode(str, this.encoding);
this.writeBuffer(buf, 0, buf.length);
* Parameters need to be properly escaped :
* following characters are to be escaped by "\" :
* - \0
* - \\
* - \'
* - \"
* regex split part of string writing part, and escaping special char.
* Those chars are <= 7f meaning that this will work even with multi-byte encoding
* @param str string to escape.
writeDefaultStringEscapeQuote(str) {
let match;
let lastIndex = 0;
while ((match = CHARS_GLOBAL_REGEXP.exec(str)) !== null) {
this.writeString(str.slice(lastIndex, match.index));
lastIndex = CHARS_GLOBAL_REGEXP.lastIndex;
if (lastIndex === 0) {
// Nothing was escaped
if (lastIndex < str.length) {
writeBufferEscape(val) {
let valLen = val.length;
if (valLen * 2 > this.buf.length - this.pos) {
//makes buffer bigger (up to 16M)
if (this.buf.length !== MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) this.growBuffer(valLen * 2);
//data may still be bigger than buffer.
//must flush buffer when full (and reset position to 4)
if (valLen * 2 > this.buf.length - this.pos) {
//not enough space in buffer, will fill buffer
for (let i = 0; i < valLen; i++) {
switch (val[i]) {
case QUOTE:
case SLASH:
if (this.pos >= this.buf.length) this.flushBuffer(false, (valLen - i) * 2);
this.buf[this.pos++] = SLASH; //add escape slash
if (this.pos >= this.buf.length) this.flushBuffer(false, (valLen - i) * 2);
this.buf[this.pos++] = val[i];
//sure to have enough place to use buffer directly
for (let i = 0; i < valLen; i++) {
switch (val[i]) {
case QUOTE:
case SLASH:
this.buf[this.pos++] = SLASH; //add escape slash
this.buf[this.pos++] = val[i];
* Indicate if buffer contain any data.
* @returns {boolean}
isEmpty() {
return this.pos <= 4;
* Flush the internal buffer.
flushBufferDebug(commandEnd, remainingLen) {
this.buf[0] = this.pos - 4;
this.buf[1] = (this.pos - 4) >>> 8;
this.buf[2] = (this.pos - 4) >>> 16;
this.buf[3] = ++this.cmd.sequenceNo;
this.stream.writeBuf(this.buf.slice(0, this.pos), this.cmd);
const packet = Utils.log(this.opts, this.buf, 0, this.pos);
if (this.opts.logPackets) {
'==> conn:' +
(this.info.threadId ? this.info.threadId : -1) +
' ' +
this.cmd.constructor.name +
'(0,' +
this.pos +
')\n' +
if (this.opts.debug) {
'==> conn:%d %s\n%s',
this.info.threadId ? this.info.threadId : -1,
this.cmd.constructor.name + '(0,' + this.pos + ')',
Utils.log(this.opts, this.buf, 0, this.pos)
if (commandEnd) {
//if last packet fill the max size, must send an empty com to indicate that command end.
if (this.pos === MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
} else {
this.stream.flush(true, this.cmd);
this.buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
} else {
this.buf = allocateBuffer(remainingLen + 4);
this.pos = 4;
flushBufferBasic(commandEnd, remainingLen) {
this.buf[0] = this.pos - 4;
this.buf[1] = (this.pos - 4) >>> 8;
this.buf[2] = (this.pos - 4) >>> 16;
this.buf[3] = ++this.cmd.sequenceNo;
this.stream.writeBuf(this.buf.slice(0, this.pos), this.cmd);
if (commandEnd) {
//if last packet fill the max size, must send an empty com to indicate that command end.
if (this.pos === MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
} else {
this.stream.flush(true, this.cmd);
this.buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
} else {
this.buf = allocateBuffer(remainingLen + 4);
this.pos = 4;
writeEmptyPacket() {
const emptyBuf = Buffer.from([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ++this.cmd.sequenceNo]);
if (this.opts.logPackets || this.opts.debug) {
const packet = Utils.log(this.opts, emptyBuf, 0, 4);
if (this.opts.logPackets) {
'==> conn:' +
(this.info.threadId ? this.info.threadId : -1) +
' ' +
this.cmd.constructor.name +
'(0,4)\n' +
if (this.opts.debug) {
'==> conn:%d %s\n%s',
this.info.threadId ? this.info.threadId : -1,
this.cmd.constructor.name + '(0,4)',
this.stream.writeBuf(emptyBuf, this.cmd);
this.stream.flush(true, this.cmd);
function allocateBuffer(len) {
if (len < SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE) {
return Buffer.allocUnsafe(SMALL_BUFFER_SIZE);
} else if (len < MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE) {
return Buffer.allocUnsafe(MEDIUM_BUFFER_SIZE);
} else if (len < LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
return Buffer.allocUnsafe(LARGE_BUFFER_SIZE);
} else if (len < BIG_BUFFER_SIZE) {
return Buffer.allocUnsafe(BIG_BUFFER_SIZE);
return Buffer.allocUnsafe(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
module.exports = PacketOutputStream;