'use strict'; const ErrorCodes = require('../const/error-code'); class SqlError extends Error { constructor(msg, fatal, info, sqlState, errno, additionalStack, addHeader) { super( (addHeader === undefined || addHeader ? '(conn=' + (info ? (info.threadId ? info.threadId : -1) : -1) + ', no: ' + (errno ? errno : -1) + ', SQLState: ' + (sqlState ? sqlState : 'HY000') + ') ' : '') + msg ); this.fatal = fatal; this.errno = errno; this.sqlState = sqlState; if (errno > 45000 && errno < 46000) { //driver error this.code = errByNo[errno] || 'UNKNOWN'; } else { this.code = ErrorCodes.codes[this.errno] || 'UNKNOWN'; } if (additionalStack) { //adding caller stack, removing initial "Error:\n" this.stack += '\n From event:\n' + additionalStack.substring(additionalStack.indexOf('\n') + 1); } } } /** * Error factory, so error get connection information. * * @param msg current error message * @param fatal is error fatal * @param info connection information * @param sqlState sql state * @param errno error number * @param additionalStack additional stack trace to see * @param addHeader add connection information * @returns {Error} the error */ module.exports.createError = function ( msg, fatal, info, sqlState, errno, additionalStack, addHeader ) { return new SqlError(msg, fatal, info, sqlState, errno, additionalStack, addHeader); }; /******************************************************************************** * Driver specific errors ********************************************************************************/ module.exports.ER_CONNECTION_ALREADY_CLOSED = 45001; module.exports.ER_ALREADY_CONNECTING = 45002; module.exports.ER_MYSQL_CHANGE_USER_BUG = 45003; module.exports.ER_CMD_NOT_EXECUTED_DESTROYED = 45004; module.exports.ER_NULL_CHAR_ESCAPEID = 45005; module.exports.ER_NULL_ESCAPEID = 45006; module.exports.ER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FORMAT = 45007; module.exports.ER_NODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_TLS = 45008; module.exports.ER_SOCKET_UNEXPECTED_CLOSE = 45009; module.exports.ER_UNEXPECTED_PACKET = 45011; module.exports.ER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 45012; module.exports.ER_CMD_CONNECTION_CLOSED = 45013; module.exports.ER_CHANGE_USER_BAD_PACKET = 45014; module.exports.ER_PING_BAD_PACKET = 45015; module.exports.ER_MISSING_PARAMETER = 45016; module.exports.ER_PARAMETER_UNDEFINED = 45017; module.exports.ER_PLACEHOLDER_UNDEFINED = 45018; module.exports.ER_SOCKET = 45019; module.exports.ER_EOF_EXPECTED = 45020; module.exports.ER_LOCAL_INFILE_DISABLED = 45021; module.exports.ER_LOCAL_INFILE_NOT_READABLE = 45022; module.exports.ER_SERVER_SSL_DISABLED = 45023; module.exports.ER_AUTHENTICATION_BAD_PACKET = 45024; module.exports.ER_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN_NOT_SUPPORTED = 45025; module.exports.ER_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 45026; module.exports.ER_POOL_ALREADY_CLOSED = 45027; module.exports.ER_GET_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 45028; module.exports.ER_SETTING_SESSION_ERROR = 45029; module.exports.ER_INITIAL_SQL_ERROR = 45030; module.exports.ER_BATCH_WITH_NO_VALUES = 45031; module.exports.ER_RESET_BAD_PACKET = 45032; module.exports.ER_WRONG_IANA_TIMEZONE = 45033; module.exports.ER_LOCAL_INFILE_WRONG_FILENAME = 45034; module.exports.ER_ADD_CONNECTION_CLOSED_POOL = 45035; module.exports.ER_WRONG_AUTO_TIMEZONE = 45036; module.exports.ER_CLOSING_POOL = 45037; module.exports.ER_TIMEOUT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 45038; module.exports.ER_INITIAL_TIMEOUT_ERROR = 45039; module.exports.ER_DUPLICATE_FIELD = 45040; module.exports.ER_CLIENT_OPTION_INCOMPATIBILITY = 45041; module.exports.ER_PING_TIMEOUT = 45042; module.exports.ER_BAD_PARAMETER_VALUE = 45043; module.exports.ER_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_RSA_KEY = 45044; module.exports.ER_MINIMUM_NODE_VERSION_REQUIRED = 45045; const keys = Object.keys(module.exports); const errByNo = {}; for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const keyName = keys[i]; if (keyName !== 'createError') { errByNo[module.exports[keyName]] = keyName; } } module.exports.SqlError = SqlError;