/** * Column definition packet "Field detail" flag value * see : https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/resultset/#field-detail-flag */ // field cannot be null module.exports.NOT_NULL = 1; // field is a primary key module.exports.PRIMARY_KEY = 2; //field is unique module.exports.UNIQUE_KEY = 4; //field is in a multiple key module.exports.MULTIPLE_KEY = 8; //is this field a Blob module.exports.BLOB = 1 << 4; // is this field unsigned module.exports.UNSIGNED = 1 << 5; //is this field a zerofill module.exports.ZEROFILL_FLAG = 1 << 6; //whether this field has a binary collation module.exports.BINARY_COLLATION = 1 << 7; //Field is an enumeration module.exports.ENUM = 1 << 8; //field auto-increment module.exports.AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 << 9; //field is a timestamp value module.exports.TIMESTAMP = 1 << 10; //field is a SET module.exports.SET = 1 << 11; //field doesn't have default value module.exports.NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG = 1 << 12; //field is set to NOW on UPDATE module.exports.ON_UPDATE_NOW_FLAG = 1 << 13; //field is num module.exports.NUM_FLAG = 1 << 14;