'use strict'; const Iconv = require('iconv-lite'); const Capabilities = require('../const/capabilities'); const Ed25519PasswordAuth = require('./handshake/auth/ed25519-password-auth'); const NativePasswordAuth = require('./handshake/auth/native-password-auth'); const Collations = require('../const/collations'); const Handshake = require('./handshake/handshake'); /** * send a COM_CHANGE_USER: resets the connection and re-authenticates with the given credentials * see https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/com_change_user/ */ class ChangeUser extends Handshake { constructor(options, resolve, reject, addCommand) { super(resolve, reject, () => {}, addCommand); this.opts = options; } start(out, opts, info) { this.configAssign(opts, this.opts); let authToken; const pwd = Array.isArray(this.opts.password) ? this.opts.password[0] : this.opts.password; switch (info.defaultPluginName) { case 'mysql_native_password': case '': authToken = NativePasswordAuth.encryptPassword(pwd, info.seed, 'sha1'); break; case 'client_ed25519': authToken = Ed25519PasswordAuth.encryptPassword(pwd, info.seed); break; default: authToken = Buffer.alloc(0); break; } out.startPacket(this); out.writeInt8(0x11); out.writeString(this.opts.user || ''); out.writeInt8(0); if (info.serverCapabilities & Capabilities.SECURE_CONNECTION) { out.writeInt8(authToken.length); out.writeBuffer(authToken, 0, authToken.length); } else { out.writeBuffer(authToken, 0, authToken.length); out.writeInt8(0); } if (info.clientCapabilities & Capabilities.CONNECT_WITH_DB) { out.writeString(this.opts.database); out.writeInt8(0); info.database = this.opts.database; } out.writeInt16(this.opts.collation.index); if (info.clientCapabilities & Capabilities.PLUGIN_AUTH) { out.writeString(info.defaultPluginName); out.writeInt8(0); } if (info.clientCapabilities & Capabilities.CONNECT_ATTRS) { out.writeInt8(0xfc); let initPos = out.pos; //save position, assuming connection attributes length will be less than 2 bytes length out.writeInt16(0); const encoding = this.opts.collation.charset; writeParam(out, '_client_name', encoding); writeParam(out, 'MariaDB connector/Node', encoding); let packageJson = require('../../package.json'); writeParam(out, '_client_version', encoding); writeParam(out, packageJson.version, encoding); writeParam(out, '_node_version', encoding); writeParam(out, process.versions.node, encoding); if (opts.connectAttributes !== true) { let attrNames = Object.keys(this.opts.connectAttributes); for (let k = 0; k < attrNames.length; ++k) { writeParam(out, attrNames[k], encoding); writeParam(out, this.opts.connectAttributes[attrNames[k]], encoding); } } //write end size out.writeInt16AtPos(initPos); } out.flushBuffer(true); this.onPacketReceive = this.handshakeResult; } /** * Assign global configuration option used by result-set to current query option. * a little faster than Object.assign() since doest copy all information * * @param connOpts connection global configuration * @param opt current options */ configAssign(connOpts, opt) { if (!opt) { this.opts = connOpts; return; } this.opts.database = opt.database ? opt.database : connOpts.database; this.opts.connectAttributes = opt.connectAttributes ? opt.connectAttributes : connOpts.connectAttributes; if (opt.charset && typeof opt.charset === 'string') { this.opts.collation = Collations.fromCharset(opt.charset.toLowerCase()); if (this.opts.collation === undefined) { this.opts.collation = Collations.fromName(opt.charset.toUpperCase()); if (this.opts.collation !== undefined) { console.log( "warning: please use option 'collation' " + "in replacement of 'charset' when using a collation name ('" + opt.charset + "')\n" + "(collation looks like 'UTF8MB4_UNICODE_CI', charset like 'utf8')." ); } } if (this.opts.collation === undefined) throw new RangeError("Unknown charset '" + opt.charset + "'"); } else if (opt.collation && typeof opt.collation === 'string') { const initial = opt.collation; this.opts.collation = Collations.fromName(initial.toUpperCase()); if (this.opts.collation === undefined) throw new RangeError("Unknown collation '" + initial + "'"); } else { this.opts.collation = Collations.fromIndex(opt.charsetNumber) || connOpts.collation; } connOpts.password = opt.password; } } function writeParam(out, val, encoding) { let param = Buffer.isEncoding(encoding) ? Buffer.from(val, encoding) : Iconv.encode(val, encoding); out.writeLengthCoded(param.length); out.writeBuffer(param, 0, param.length); } module.exports = ChangeUser;