{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with pkgs; # NOTE Reference the environment variable set in the corresponding agenix secret let database = { connection_string = "$DB_STRING"; max_open_conns = 100; max_idle_conns = 5; conn_max_lifetime = -1; }; in { # Matrix server configuration services.dendrite = { enable = true; httpPort = 8008; environmentFile = config.age.secrets.dendrite-postgres.path; loadCredential = [ "private_key:${config.age.secrets.dendrite.path}" ]; settings = { global = { server_name = "coolneng.duckdns.org"; private_key = config.age.secrets.dendrite.path; inherit database; dns_cache.enabled = true; }; # HACK Inherit postgres connection string for the rest of the DBs app_service_api = { inherit database; config_files = [ "/var/lib/matrix-as-facebook/facebook-registration.yaml" "/var/lib/matrix-as-signal/signal-registration.yaml" "/var/lib/matrix-as-telegram/telegram-registration.yaml" ]; }; media_api = { inherit database; }; room_server = { inherit database; }; push_server = { inherit database; }; mscs = { inherit database; mscs = [ "msc2836" "msc2946" ]; }; sync_api = { inherit database; }; key_server = { inherit database; }; federation_api = { inherit database; }; user_api = { account_database = database; device_database = database; }; }; }; # Start dendrite after config files are mounted systemd.services.dendrite.unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [ /var/lib/matrix-as-facebook /var/lib/matrix-as-signal /var/lib/matrix-as-telegram ]; # Matrix bridges services.matrix-appservices = { homeserver = "dendrite"; homeserverDomain = "coolneng.duckdns.org"; homeserverURL = "https://matrix.coolneng.duckdns.org"; services = { telegram = { port = 8118; format = "mautrix-python"; package = mautrix-telegram; serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = config.age.secrets.telegram.path; settings = { appservice.database = "$DB_STRING"; homeserver.software = "standard"; telegram = { api_id = "$API_ID"; api_hash = "$API_HASH"; }; bridge = { permissions."@coolneng:coolneng.duckdns.org" = "admin"; backfill.normal_groups = true; }; }; }; facebook = { port = 8228; format = "mautrix-python"; package = mautrix-meta; serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = config.age.secrets.facebook.path; settings = { appservice.database = "$DB_STRING"; homeserver.software = "standard"; bridge.permissions."@coolneng:coolneng.duckdns.org" = "admin"; }; }; }; }; # Enable voice messages for facebook systemd.services.matrix-as-facebook.path = [ ffmpeg ]; # MQTT configuration services.mosquitto = { enable = true; dataDir = "/vault/mosquitto"; logType = [ "websockets" "error" "warning" "notice" "information" ]; logDest = [ "syslog" ]; listeners = [ { users.homeostasis = { acl = [ "write #" ]; hashedPasswordFile = config.age.secrets.mqtt-sender.path; }; users.prometheus = { acl = [ "read #" ]; hashedPasswordFile = config.age.secrets.mqtt-receiver.path; }; } ]; }; }