{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Monitoring htop acpi # Password management gnupg pass-wayland passff-host gitAndTools.pass-git-helper # Browsers firefox ungoogled-chromium # LaTeX texlive.combined.scheme-full pandoc haskellPackages.pandoc-citeproc # Text editors neovim emacsPgtkGcc ripgrep fd clang coreutils # Terminals tmux tmuxp fish # Development git direnv lorri podman-compose gnumake gitAndTools.pre-commit # Rice adapta-gtk-theme paper-icon-theme # Audio mopidy ncmpcpp mpc_cli alsa-firmware # Productivity fff zathura libreoffice-fresh gnome3.simple-scan bc # Mail stack neomutt isync notmuch msmtp imapnotify w3m urlscan # Media gimp mpv nodePackages.webtorrent-cli transmission-gtk youtube-dl-light calibre ardour # File management zip unzip unar # Overlays cachix # Programming tools ## Shell shellcheck shfmt # Nix nixfmt ## Python nodePackages.pyright black # C/C++ clang-tools # Javascript nodePackages.javascript-typescript-langserver # Go gopls gotests gore golangci-lint # R rPackages.lintr rPackages.languageserver ]; # Fonts declaration fonts.fonts = with pkgs; [ google-fonts emacs-all-the-icons-fonts inconsolata-nerdfont terminus_font_ttf iosevka-bin ]; }