{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let soundcloud_token = builtins.readFile /home/coolneng/.config/mopidy/soundcloud-auth; in { # Enable ALSA sound.enable = true; # Configure PulseAudio with mopidy tweaks hardware.pulseaudio = { enable = true; tcp = { enable = true; anonymousClients.allowedIpRanges = [ "" ]; }; }; # Set up Mopidy services.mopidy = { enable = true; extensionPackages = with pkgs; [ mopidy-mpd mopidy-soundcloud mopidy-youtube mopidy-somafm mopidy-local ]; configuration = '' [audio] mixer = software mixer_volume = output = pulsesink server= visualizer = [local] media_dir = /home/coolneng/Music excluded_file_extensions = .directory .html .jpeg .jpg .log .nfo .png .txt [mpd] zeroconf = "" [http] enabled = false [soundcloud] enabled = true auth_token = ${soundcloud_token} explore_songs = 100 [m3u] playlists_dir = /home/coolneng/.config/mpd/playlists base_dir = /home/coolneng/Music [youtube] search_results = 50 [somafm] encoding = aac quality = highest ''; }; }