Remove device specific tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,15 +6,8 @@ with pkgs;
# Kernel configuration
boot = {
kernelPackages = config.boot.zfs.package.latestCompatibleLinuxPackages;
kernelParams = [
kernelModules = [ "i915" ];
kernelParams =
[ "zfs.zfs_arc_max=2147483648" "zfs.zfs_arc_meta_limit_percent=90" ];
blacklistedKernelModules = [ "btusb" "bluetooth" ];
supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
zfs = {
@ -23,14 +16,9 @@ with pkgs;
# Intel CPU tweaks
hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = true;
# Device firmware updates
services.fwupd.enable = true;
# Hardware video acceleration
hardware.opengl.extraPackages =
[ intel-media-driver vaapiIntel vaapiVdpau libvdpau-va-gl ];
# Bootloader configuration
boot.loader = {
efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
# Do not modify this file! It was generated by ‘nixos-generate-config’
# and may be overwritten by future invocations. Please make changes
# to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix instead.
{ config, lib, pkgs, modulesPath, ... }:
imports =
[ (modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix")
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "nvme" "usbhid" "rtsx_pci_sdmmc" ];
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ ];
boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ];
boot.extraModulePackages = [ ];
fileSystems."/" =
{ device = "syscea/stateful/root";
fsType = "zfs";
fileSystems."/nix" =
{ device = "syscea/ephemeral/nix";
fsType = "zfs";
fileSystems."/ugent" =
{ device = "systemd-1";
fsType = "autofs";
fileSystems."/tmp" =
{ device = "syscea/ephemeral/tmp";
fsType = "zfs";
fileSystems."/home/coolneng" =
{ device = "syscea/stateful/home";
fsType = "zfs";
fileSystems."/home/coolneng/Downloads" =
{ device = "syscea/stateful/home/downloads";
fsType = "zfs";
fileSystems."/boot" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/4851-6B40";
fsType = "vfat";
fileSystems."/home/coolneng/Videos" =
{ device = "syscea/stateful/home/videos";
fsType = "zfs";
swapDevices =
[ { device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/1f0ea09c-e655-4a9f-83d4-9d396de01720"; }
# Enables DHCP on each ethernet and wireless interface. In case of scripted networking
# (the default) this is the recommended approach. When using systemd-networkd it's
# still possible to use this option, but it's recommended to use it in conjunction
# with explicit per-interface declarations with `networking.interfaces.<interface>.useDHCP`.
networking.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
# networking.interfaces.enp0s31f6.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
# networking.interfaces.wg0.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
# networking.interfaces.wlan0.useDHCP = lib.mkDefault true;
nixpkgs.hostPlatform = lib.mkDefault "x86_64-linux";
powerManagement.cpuFreqGovernor = lib.mkDefault "powersave";
|||| = lib.mkDefault config.hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware;
@ -1,18 +1,8 @@
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
# Enable the TLP daemon
services.tlp = {
enable = true;
settings = {
PCIE_ASPM_ON_AC = "performance";
PCIE_ASPM_ON_BAT = "powersave";
# Enable the auto-cpufreq daemon
|||| = true;
# Enable power-profiles-daemon
services.power-profiles-daemon.enable = true;
# Suspend when the battery is critical and autosuspend USB and PCI
services.udev.extraRules = ''
@ -20,45 +10,4 @@
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="auto"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="pci", TEST=="power/control", ATTR{power/control}="auto"
# Undervolt CPU and GPU
services.undervolt = {
enable = true;
coreOffset = -100;
gpuOffset = -75;
# Prevent overheating of the CPU
services.thermald.enable = true;
# HACK Enable internal microphone when headphones are plugged in and add workaround for frequent WiFi disconnects
hardware.firmware = [
(pkgs.writeTextDir "/lib/firmware/hda-jack-retask.fw" ''
0x10ec0293 0x17aa2233 0
0x12 0x90a60130
0x13 0x40000000
0x14 0x90170110
0x15 0x03211040
0x16 0x21211010
0x18 0x411111f0
0x19 0x21a11010
0x1a 0x40f000f0
0x1b 0x411111f0
0x1d 0x40738105
0x1e 0x411111f0
# Power saving features for multiple devices
boot.extraModprobeConfig = ''
options snd-hda-intel patch=hda-jack-retask.fw power_save=1
options mac80211 beacon_loss_count=500
options iwlwifi power_save=1
options iwlmvm power_scheme=3
options i915 enable_guc=2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user