Replace Eisvogel template with Cleanthesis
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
%------------------------------------- Declaration Page ----------------------------
\textbf{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
\noindent\textit{Minden, den $date$}
%------------------------------------- Declaration Page ----------------------------
@ -0,0 +1,733 @@
%% cleanthesis.sty
%% Copyright 2019 R. Langner
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is R. Langner.
% This work consists of all files listed in
% **************************************************
% Clean Thesis
% -- A LaTeX Style for Thesis Documents --
% **************************************************
% Readme:
% ----------------------------------------
% Please check out the file in the root of this package.
% **************************************************
\ProvidesPackage{cleanthesis}[2019/06/21 v0.4.0 A clean LaTeX style for thesis documents]
% **************************************************
% Package options
% **************************************************
% -- process all available package options
% The xkeyval package enables us to handle for example key-value pairs
% in an easy way
% OPTION hangfigurecaption
% --> values = true|false
% OPTION hangsection
% --> values = true|false
% OPTION hangsubsection
% --> values = true|false
% OPTION sansserif
% --> values = true|false
% OPTION configurelistings
% --> values = true|false
% OPTION configurebiblatex
% --> values = true|false
% OPTION figuresep
% --> values = none|colon|period|space|quad|endash
% OPTION colorize
% --> values = full|reduced|bw
% OPTION colortheme
% --> values = bluemagenta|bluegreen
% OPTION bibsys
% --> values = biber|bibtex
% OPTION bibfile
% --> values = file name of your bibtex file
% OPTION bibstyle
% --> values = biblatex style options
% OPTION bibsorting
% --> values = biblatex sorting options
% OPTION quotesstyle
% --> values = csquotes style options
\PackageWarning{cleanthesis}{Unknown option ‘\CurrentOption’}%
% Checks if bib file exists, if not we throw an error
\IfFileExists{\cthesis@bibfile.bib}{}{\PackageError{cleanthesis}{Unable to find BibTeX file \cthesis@bibfile.bib!}{Please provide the name of your BibTeX file to the cleanthesis package parameter bibfile.}}
% **************************************************
% Color Definitions
% **************************************************
% -- defines color themes and color commands
% The xcolor package enables us to create/handle/name different colors
% updates all colors regarding the defined main and accessory
% color, as well as the defined colorize mode (full, reduced, bw)
% sets all colors (like colorize == full)
% -- footer colors
% -- sectioning colors
% --> text colors
% case = 0 (colorize == full)
% do nothing
% case = 1 (colorize == reduced)
% --> footer colors
% --> sectioning colors
% --> text colors
% case = 2 (colorize == bw)
% --> footer colors
% --> sectioning colors
% --> text colors
% sets the main and accessory color for the document
% sets the blue-magenta color theme (blue/magenta)
\cthesissetcolor{cmyk}{1, .50, .10, .01}{.18, .98, .18, 0}%
% sets the blue-green color theme (blue/green)
\cthesissetcolor{cmyk}{.61, .47, .03, 0}{.48, .05, .91, 0}%
% defines general colors
% sets the color theme regarding the given package option colortheme
% case 0 (colortheme == bluemagenta)
% case 1 (colortheme == bluegreen)
% all other cases
% **************************************************
% Font Definitions (see
% **************************************************
\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc} % font types and character verification
% Using sans-serif fonts
%\RequirePackage{helvet} % Font: Helvetica
%\RequirePackage{nimbus} % Font: Nimbus Sans, a clone of the Helvetica
\RequirePackage{tgheros} % Font: TEX Gyre Heros
%\RequirePackage{libertine} % Font: Biolinum, the standard sans serif typeface with the Libertine package
%\RequirePackage[scaled]{berasans} % Font: Bera Sans, a a version of Bitstream Vera Sans slightly enhanced
% Using serif fonts
\RequirePackage{lmodern} % font set: Latin Modern
\RequirePackage{charter} % font set: Charter
%\RequirePackage{fourier} % font set: (basically improved utopia)
% **************************************************
% Load Packages
% **************************************************
\RequirePackage{microtype} % typographic tuning
\RequirePackage{setspace} % for line spacing, e.g. \onehalfspacing
\RequirePackage[]{graphicx} % graphics import features
\RequirePackage{tabularx} % table features
%\RequirePackage{fancyhdr} % for header and footer modifications
\RequirePackage{enumitem} % for simple list modifications
\RequirePackage{blindtext} % package for blind text
\RequirePackage{textcomp} % different symbols
\RequirePackage{hyperref} % interactive link inside the document
\RequirePackage[ % modify figure and table captions
font={small}, % - small font size
labelfont={bf,sf,color=ctcolorfloatlabel},% - label in bold, sans-serif and magenta
labelsep=\cthesis@figuresep, % - separator: none, colon, period, space, quad, newline, endash
singlelinecheck=false % - no centered single-lined captions
% {%
% }{}
% **************************************************
% Page construction
% **************************************************
\KOMAoption{headinclude}{false} % include header in body?
\KOMAoption{footinclude}{false} % include footer in body?
\KOMAoption{footlines}{2.1} % number of foot lines
\KOMAoption{mpinclude}{false} % include marginpar in body?
\KOMAoption{BCOR}{25mm} % binding correction
\KOMAoption{DIV}{12} % number of page divs (divider)
\RequirePackage[ % advanced quotes
strict=true, % - warning are errors now
style=\cthesis@quotesstyle % - german quotes
% **************************************************
% Bibliography
% **************************************************
\RequirePackage[ % use biblatex for bibliography
backend=\cthesis@bibsys, % - use biber backend (bibtex replacement) or bibtex
style=\cthesis@bibstyle, % - use alphabetic (or numeric) bib style
natbib=true, % - allow natbib commands
hyperref=true, % - activate hyperref support
backref=true, % - activate backrefs
isbn=false, % - don't show isbn tags
url=false, % - don't show url tags
doi=false, % - don't show doi tags
urldate=long, % - display type for dates
andothers = {{et\,al\adddot}}, % 'et al.' instead of 'u.a.'
backrefpage = {{zitiert auf Seite}},%
backrefpages = {{zitiert auf den Seiten}},%
% **************************************************
% Text Format
% **************************************************
\setstretch{1.2} % value for line spacing, use \setstretch{} or \singlespacing or \onehalfspacing or \doublespacing
%\setlength{\parindent}{0em} % value for paragraph indentation
\clubpenalty = 10000 % prevent single lines at the beginning of a paragraph (Schusterjungen)
\widowpenalty = 10000 % prevent single lines at the end of a paragraph (Hurenkinder)
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000 %
% **************************************************
% Listing Format
% **************************************************
\RequirePackage{listings} % package for listings
% **************************************************
% List Definitions
% **************************************************
% **************************************************
% Header and Footer
% **************************************************
\automark[section]{chapter} % automatically marks sections as rightmark
% and chapters as leftmark
\setlength{\footheight}{120pt} % avoids scrlayer-scrpage warning:
% footheight to low warning
\setlength{\footskip}{185pt} % BAD HACK that moves the foot downwards
\KOMAoption{footwidth}{foot:53pt} % BAD HACK that moves the foot towards
% the outer border
\setkomafont{pagefoot}{\ctfontfootertext} % font for footer
\setkomafont{pagenumber}{\ctfontfooterpagenumber} % font for page numbers
%% Redefinition of the chaptermark (used for footer mark on even (left) pages)
% use \@chapapp instead of \chaptername to avoid
% 'Chapter A Appendix ...', thanks to @farbverlust (issue #47)
{\color{ctcolorfootermark}\textbf{\@chapapp\ \thechapter}}%
%% Redefinition of the sectionmark (used for footer mark on odd (right) pages)
%% Vertical line in the footer (between page number and mark)
%% Page number for odd (right) pages
\pagemark\ %
%% Page number for even (left) pages
%% Defines the content for header and footer
\lefoot[% > plain
]{% > srcheadings
\rofoot[% > plain
]{% > srcheadings
% **************************************************
% New Commands
% **************************************************
% TODO command
\newcommand{\TODO}[1]{{\color{color_todo}\textbf{[TODO #1]}}}
% ref commands, e.g. for images, tables and text labels
% --------------------------------------------------
% RESULT = (siehe Tab. 12.4)
\newcommand{\tabref}[1]{(siehe Tab.~\ref{#1})}
% RESULT = (siehe Tab. 12.4)
\newcommand{\tableref}[1]{(siehe Tab.~\ref{#1} Seite~\pageref{#1})}
% --------------------------------------------------
% RESULT = (siehe 3.4)
\newcommand{\tref}[1]{(siehe \ref{#1})}
% RESULT = Abschnitt 3.4
% RESULT = (siehe 3.4, Seite 12)
\newcommand{\textref}[1]{(siehe \ref{#1}, Seite~\pageref{#1})}
% RESULT = Abschnitt 3.4 (siehe Seite 12)
\newcommand{\textreft}[1]{Abschnitt~\ref{#1} (siehe Seite~\pageref{#1})}
% --------------------------------------------------
% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4)
\newcommand{\fref}[1]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1})}
% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4 b)
\newcommand{\frefadd}[2]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1}~#2)}
% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4, Seite 12)
\newcommand{\figref}[1]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1}, Seite~\pageref{#1})}
% RESULT = (siehe Abb. 10.4 b, Seite 12)
\newcommand{\figrefadd}[2]{(siehe Abb.~\ref{#1}~#2, Seite~\pageref{#1})}
% RESULT = Abbildung 10.4
% RESULT = Abbildung 10.4 b
% --------------------------------------------------
% RESULT = (siehe Seite 12)
\newcommand{\seepage}[1]{(siehe Seite~\pageref{#1})}
% **************************************************
% Sectioning Commands
% **************************************************
arg1=#1, arg2=#2, arg3=#3%
% own font definitions
\newcommand{\thesispartfont}{\color{ctcolorparttext}\nobreak\normalfont\huge \tgherosfont\selectfont}
\newcommand{\thesischapterfont}{\color{ctcolorblack}\nobreak\normalfont\huge \fontfamily{phv}\selectfont}
%\newcommand{\thesissectionfont}{\color{ctcolormain}\nobreak\LARGE\bfseries \tgherosfont}
\newcommand{\thesissectionfont}{\color{ctcolorsection}\nobreak\normalfont\LARGE \tgherosfont}
\newcommand{\thesissubsectionfont}{\color{ctcolorsubsection}\nobreak\normalfont\Large \tgherosfont}
\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries \tgherosfont%
\normalfont\footnotesize \tgherosfont%
% headings
\setkomafont{part}{\thesispartfont} % for chapter entries
\setkomafont{chapter}{\thesischapterfont} % for chapter entries
\setkomafont{section}{\thesissectionfont} % for section entries
\setkomafont{subsection}{\thesissubsectionfont} % for section entries
%\setkomafont{subsection}{\large} % for subsection entries
% **************************************************
% Sectioning
% **************************************************
% -- modifications regarding sectioning (structural) commands,
% i.e. \part, \chapter, \section, \subsection, \subsubsection, \paragraph
% ---------------------------
% > formats: \part
% ---------------------------
\partname\ \thepart\quad%
% ---------------------------
% > formats: \chapter
% ---------------------------
% \ctchaptertitle{\@chapapp\ \thechapter: #3}%
% #2%
% ---------------------------
% > formats: \section
% ---------------------------
% ---------------------------
% > formats: \subsection
% ---------------------------
% **************************************************
% ToC, LoF, LoT, LoL
% **************************************************
% -- modifications regarding the table of contents,
% the list of figures, list of tables,
% and list of listings
% > removes indention for lists of floating environments (e.g., lof and lot)
% **************************************************
% Mishmash
% **************************************************
% Clean chapter quotations
\vskip -.26em}%
--- \textbf{#2} \\
% Clean Quotation environment
% Clean signs around word origins in definitions
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
%------------------------------------- Custom Title (Back) Page --------------------
%------------------------------------- Custom Title (Back) Page --------------------
%------------------------------------- Custom Abstract Page ------------------------
%------------------------------------- Custom Abstract Page ------------------------
%------------------------------------- Acknowledgements Page -----------------------
%------------------------------------- Acknowledgements Page -----------------------
%------------------------------------- Restriction Note Page -----------------------
%------------------------------------- Restriction Note Page -----------------------
%------------------------------------- Clear page before TOC -----------------------
%------------------------------------- Clear page before TOC -----------------------
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
%------------------------------------- Include Clean Thesis Style ------------------
%% Settings for cleanthesis.sty are defined in titlepage.tex since we need to set up
%% the bibfile using a metadata variable
%% We cannot put the `\usepackage{cleanthesis}` also in titlepage.tex since Pandoc
%% tries to read the local cleanthesis.sty.
%------------------------------------- Include Clean Thesis Style ------------------
@ -2,12 +2,25 @@
title: "IGDB: Base de datos internacional de glaciares"
title: "IGDB: Base de datos internacional de glaciares"
subtitle: "Diseño y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información"
subtitle: "Diseño y Desarrollo de Sistemas de Información"
author: [Amin Kasrou Aouam]
author: [Amin Kasrou Aouam]
date: 2019-09-27
date: "18 Octubre 2019"
titlepage: true
logo: /home/coolneng/Pictures/Logos/UGR.png
logo: /home/coolneng/Pictures/Logos/UGR.png
listings-no-page-break: true
toc: true
toc-own-page: true
toc-own-page: true
linkcolor: DeepSkyBlue2
lang: es-ES
bibliography: /home/coolneng/Documents/Uni/DDSI/Code/IGDB/Assets/Citations.bib
documentclass: scrbook
reference-section-title: "Bibliografía"
- open=right
- twoside=true
- cleardoublepage=empty
- clearpage=empty
papersize: a4
fontsize: 11pt
- top=30mm
- left=25mm
- bottom=30mm
- width=150mm
- bindingoffset=6mm
colorlinks: true
numbersections: true
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
%------------------------------------- Custom Title Page ---------------------------
\textbf{\textsc{ $title$ }}
\textsc{ $subtitle$ }
\includegraphics[width=$if(logo-width)$$logo-width$$else$120$endif$pt, center]{$logo$}
Autor: & \texttt{$for(author)$$author$$sep$ \and $endfor$}\\
Fecha: & \texttt{$date$}\\
%------------------------------------- Custom Title Page ---------------------------
%------------------------------------- Custom Title (Back) Page --------------------
%------------------------------------- Custom Title (Back) Page --------------------
%------------------------------------- Patch Eisvogel's frontmatter ----------------
%% Eisvogel template uses `\frontmatter` directly *after* `\maketitle`, thus there is
%% a `\doubleclearpage` after the titlepage, which prevents our title-back-page to be
%% positioned on the backside of the titlepage ...
%% (Pandocs default template uses `\frontmatter` *before* `\maketitle`)
%------------------------------------- Patch Eisvogel's frontmatter ----------------
%------------------------------------- Workaround for CleanStyle -------------------
%% cleanthesis.sty *will* check the bibfile, even if `configurebiblatex=false` ...
%% So we need to set it appropriately using our metadata variable "cleanthesisbibfile"
%------------------------------------- Workaround for CleanStyle -------------------
@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
- [X] Org to Markdown
- [X] Org to Markdown
- [X] Add YAML to Markdown
- [X] Add YAML to Markdown
- [X] Compile to PDF using Eisvogel
- [X] Compile to PDF using Eisvogel
** TODO Update date in YAML automatically
** TODO Update date in YAML automatically [0/2] [0%]
- [ ] Awk command
- [ ] Add to Makefile
** DONE Add WGMS citation [2/2] [100%]
** DONE Add WGMS citation [2/2] [100%]
CLOSED: [2019-10-08 Tue 18:16]
CLOSED: [2019-10-08 Tue 18:16]
- [X] Pandoc citations
- [X] Pandoc citations
@ -35,3 +37,7 @@
- [X] Data types
- [X] Data types
- [X] Non functional requirements
- [X] Non functional requirements
- [X] Longer description
- [X] Longer description
** TODO Generate diagrams [0/3] [0%]
- [ ] Data-flow diagrams
- [ ] Conceptual diagram
- [ ] Functional diagram
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,20 +1,99 @@
## ---- user config ----
## Source files
PANDOC_TMPL := eisvogel.latex
## (Adjust to your needs. Order of markdown files in $(SRC) matters!)
PANDOC_OPTIONS := --listings --toc -V lang=es --filter pandoc-citeproc
PANDOC = pandoc
PANDOC_ORG := pandoc --toc
DOC = Docs
PANDOC_MD := pandoc --template $(PANDOC_TMPL) $(PANDOC_OPTIONS)
META = Assets/metadata.yaml
METADATA := Assets/metadata.yaml
SRC = $(DOC)/
DOC := Docs
BIBFILE = Assets/Citations.bib
TARGET = $(DOC)/Project.pdf
## ---- build rules ----
all: $(DOC)/Project.pdf
$(DOC)/ $(DOC)/
$(PANDOC_ORG) -o $@ $<
$(DOC)/Project.pdf: $(DOC)/
$(PANDOC_MD) -o $@ $< $(METADATA)
## Internal setup (do not change)
## Auxiliary files
## (Do not change!)
TITLEPAGE = titlepage.tex
FRONTMATTER = frontmatter.tex
BACKMATTER = backmatter.tex
TMP1 = Assets/$(TITLEPAGE:%.tex=__%.filled.tex)
TMP2 = Assets/$(FRONTMATTER:%.tex=__%.filled.tex)
TMP3 = Assets/$(BACKMATTER:%.tex=__%.filled.tex)
TMP = $(TMP1) $(TMP2) $(TMP3)
## Pandoc options
OPTIONS = -f markdown
OPTIONS += --pdf-engine=pdflatex
OPTIONS += --filter=pandoc-citeproc
OPTIONS += --metadata-file=$(META)
OPTIONS += -M bibliography=$(BIBFILE)
OPTIONS += --listings
OPTIONS += --include-in-header=$(TMP1)
OPTIONS += --include-before-body=$(TMP2)
OPTIONS += --include-after-body=$(TMP3)
## Template variables
TEMPLATE_DL_DIR = .tmp_template_dl
CLEANTHESIS_TEMPLATE = Assets/cleanthesis.sty
## Main targets (do not change)
$(SRC): $(DOC)/
$(PANDOC) -o $@ $<
## Use Clean Thesis template (
cleanthesis: AUX_OPTS += -M cleanthesis=true -M cleanthesisbibfile=$(BIBFILE:%.bib=%)
cleanthesis: OPTIONS += --include-in-header=Assets/include-header.tex $(AUX_OPTS)
## Clean-up: Remove temporary (generated) files and download folder
rm $(DOC)/*.md
rm -rf $(TMP) $(TEMPLATE_DL_DIR)
rm $(DOC)/*.pdf
## Clean-up: Remove also genereated thesis and template files
distclean: clean
rm -f $(TARGET)
## Auxiliary targets (do not change)
## Download template files
## Build thesis
## Build auxiliary files (title page, backmater, references)
$(TMP): Assets/__%.filled.tex: Assets/%.tex $(META)
$(PANDOC) $(AUX_OPTS) --template=$< --metadata-file=$(META) -o $@ $<
## Declaration of phony targets
.PHONY: cleanthesis clean distclean
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue