
63 lines
1.7 KiB

;; Goes into ~/.config/pulsemixer.cfg, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME respected
;; Everything that starts with "#" or ";" is a comment
;; For the option to take effect simply uncomment it
step = 1
step-big = 10
; server =
;; To bind "special keys" such as arrows see "Key constant" table in
; up = k, KEY_UP, KEY_PPAGE
; down = j, KEY_DOWN, KEY_NPAGE
; left = h, KEY_LEFT
; right = l, KEY_RIGHT
; left-big = H, KEY_SLEFT
; right-big = L, KEY_SRIGHT
; top = g, KEY_HOME
; bottom = G, KEY_END
; mode1 = KEY_F1
; mode2 = KEY_F2
; mode3 = KEY_F3
; next-mode = KEY_TAB
; prev-mode = KEY_BTAB
; mute = m
; lock = ' ' ; 'space', quotes are stripped
; quit = q, KEY_ESC
hide-unavailable-profiles = yes
; hide-unavailable-ports = no
; color = 2 ; same as --color, 0 no color, 1 color currently selected, 2 full-color
; mouse = yes
;; Pulsemixer will use these characters to draw interface
;; Single characters only
; bar-top-left = ┌
; bar-left-mono = ╶
; bar-top-right = ┐
; bar-right-mono = ╴
; bar-bottom-left = └
; bar-bottom-right = ┘
; bar-on = ▮
; bar-on-muted = ▯
; bar-off = -
; arrow = ' '
; arrow-focused = ─
; arrow-locked = ─
; default-stream = *
; info-locked = L
; info-unlocked = U
; info-muted = M ; 🔇
; info-unmuted = M ; 🔉
;; Changes stream names in interactive mode, regular expression are supported
; 'default name example' = 'new name'
; '(?i)built-in .* audio' = 'Audio Controller'
; 'AudioIPC Server' = 'Firefox'