Enlarge font to 16 in Emacs and other minor changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ This function should only modify configuration layer settings."
;; Defines the behaviour of Spacemacs when installing packages.
@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; Default font, or prioritized list of fonts. `powerline-scale' allows to
;; quickly tweak the mode-line size to make separators look not too crappy.
dotspacemacs-default-font '("Iosevka"
:size 14
:size 16
:weight normal
:width normal)
@ -339,7 +341,7 @@ It should only modify the values of Spacemacs settings."
;; If non-nil a progress bar is displayed when spacemacs is loading. This
;; may increase the boot time on some systems and emacs builds, set it to
;; nil to boost the loading time. (default t)
dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar t
dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar nil
;; If non-nil the frame is fullscreen when Emacs starts up. (default nil)
;; (Emacs 24.4+ only)
@ -510,7 +512,7 @@ before packages are loaded."
; Function Keybindings
(global-set-key [f3] 'other-window)
(global-set-key [f4] 'ivy-switch-buffer)
(global-set-key [f5] 'delete-other-windows)
(global-set-key [f5] 'delete-window)
(global-set-key [f6] 'counsel-recentf)
; Add dired in recentf
@ -527,7 +529,8 @@ before packages are loaded."
(message "No Compilation Errors!")))))
(setq magit-repository-directories
'(("/home/coolneng/Documents/Uni/" . 6)
("/home/coolneng/.dotfiles/" . 0)))
("/home/coolneng/.dotfiles/" . 0)
("/home/coolneng/Projects" . 3)))
; lsp-ui variables
(setq lsp-ui-doc-enable nil
lsp-ui-sideline-show-hover t)
@ -540,19 +543,13 @@ before packages are loaded."
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tpp\\'" . c++-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.aiml\\'" . web-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.latex\\'" . latex-mode))
; Add TODO files to the org-agenda
(with-eval-after-load 'org-agenda
(require 'org-projectile)
(mapcar '(lambda (file)
(when (file-exists-p file)
(push file org-agenda-files)))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.le\\'" . c-mode))
; Disable company-mode in org
(spacemacs|disable-company org-mode)
; Add bibliography file to org-ref
(setq org-ref-default-bibliography '("~/Documents/Uni/DDSI/Code/IGDB/Assets/Citations.bib"))
; Auto cleanup recentf
(setq recentf-auto-cleanup '120)
(setq recentf-auto-cleanup 120)
; Save backup files to ~/.cache
(setq backup-directory-alist `(("." . "~/.cache")))
; Redirect stdout to results in org for python
Reference in New Issue
Block a user