;;; +keybindings.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Custom keybindings ;; ;; Select target in Makefile compilation as default (map! :leader :n "c c" #'makefile-executor-execute-project-target) ;; Keybindings for R markdown polymode (map! :map poly-markdown+R-mode-map :n "RET" #'polymode-eval-chunk :desc "Evaluate code block") ;; Map elfeed to global keybinding (map! :leader :n "o e" #'=rss :desc "RSS reader") ;; Keybindings for org-noter (map! :mode pdf-view-mode :n "i" #'org-noter-insert-note :desc "Insert note with a subheading") (map! :mode pdf-view-mode :n "x" #'org-noter-kill-session :desc "Kill the current org-noter session") ;; Keybindings for pdf-view (map! :mode pdf-view-mode :n ":" #'pdf-view-goto-page :desc "Move to the selected page") ;; Keybindings for mu4e (map! :mode mu4e-view-mode :n "S" #'mu4e-view-save-attachments :desc "Save the chosen mail attachments") ;; Keybindings for next/previous buffer (map! :n "C-c j" #'previous-buffer) (map! :n "C-c k" #'next-buffer) ;; Keybindings for citar (map! :leader :n "n B" #'citar-open-files :desc "Open associated PDF with bibliography entry") ;; Keybindings for PlatformIO (map! :after platformio-mode :map platformio-mode-map (:localleader :desc "Compile the project" "c c" #'platformio-build :desc "Upload the project" "c u" #'platformio-upload :desc "Monitor the serial console" "c m" #'platformio-device-monitor))