;;; ~/.doom.d/+ui.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Appearance settings ;; Set Font and theme (setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Iosevka Medium" :size 26) doom-theme 'doom-one) ;; Display Magit status in fullscreen (after! magit (setq magit-display-buffer-function #'magit-display-buffer-fullframe-status-v1)) ;; Match pdf-tools colors to the theme and fit to page by default (after! pdf-tools (setq pdf-view-midnight-colors '("#BBC2CF" . "#282C34")) (add-hook 'pdf-tools-enabled-hook 'pdf-view-midnight-minor-mode)) ;; Customize modeline (setq doom-modeline-major-mode-icon t doom-modeline-buffer-encoding nil) ;; Hide direnv environment variables popup (setq direnv-always-show-summary nil) ;; Change splash-screen banner (setq fancy-splash-image "~/.doom.d/assets/emacs.svg") ;; Disable LSP documentation popup (after! lsp-ui (setq lsp-ui-doc-enable nil lsp-signature-auto-activate nil lsp-enable-symbol-highlighting nil lsp-ui-sideline-enable nil lsp-modeline-code-actions-enable nil lsp-headerline-breadcrumb-enable nil lsp-len-enable nil)) ;; Shrink minibuffer (after! vertico (setq vertico-count 8)) ;; Eliminate gaps between windows (after! frame (remove-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'window-divider-mode)) ;; Reduce size of the popup terminal (set-popup-rule! "*doom:vterm-popup:*" :size 0.25 :vslot -4 :select t :quit nil :ttl 0) ;; Show matching parenthesis on the minibuffer (after! smartparens (show-smartparens-global-mode t)) ;; Modify the splash screen actions (setq +doom-dashboard-menu-sections '(("Reload last session" :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "history" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title) :when (cond ((modulep! :ui workspaces) (file-exists-p (expand-file-name persp-auto-save-fname persp-save-dir))) ((require 'desktop nil t) (file-exists-p (desktop-full-file-name)))) :face (:inherit (doom-dashboard-menu-title bold)) :action doom/quickload-session) ("Open org-agenda" :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "calendar" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title) :when (fboundp 'org-agenda) :action org-agenda) ("Recently opened files" :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "file-text" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title) :action recentf-open-files) ("Open email client" :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "mail" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title) :when (featurep! :email mu4e) :face (:inherit (doom-dashboard-menu-title bold)) :action =mu4e) ("RSS reader" :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "rss" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title) :when (featurep! :app rss) :face (:inherit (doom-dashboard-menu-title bold)) :action =rss) ("Read saved articles" :icon (all-the-icons-octicon "book" :face 'doom-dashboard-menu-title) :face (:inherit (doom-dashboard-menu-title bold)) :action =wallabag))) ;; Restore previous session without confirmation (defadvice! restore-no-confirm-session-quickload-a () :override #'doom/quickload-session (message "Restoring session...") (doom-load-session) (message "Session restored. Welcome back.")) ;; Decrease size of icons in the modeline (setq all-the-icons-scale-factor 1.0) ;; Increase size of the PlatformIO compilation buffer (set-popup-rule! "*platformio*" :size 0.25 :vslot -4 :select t :quit t :ttl 0)