Simplify enhanced elfeed entry visualization

This commit is contained in:
coolneng 2023-05-15 05:15:28 +02:00
parent d65a20323d
commit f7baa0c089
Signed by: coolneng
GPG Key ID: 9893DA236405AF57

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@ -118,21 +118,20 @@
(add-hook! 'elfeed-search-mode-hook 'elfeed-update)
;; Use different font and show article in fullscreen
(setq elfeed-show-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch (selected-frame) :font (font-spec :family "Bitter" :size 28))
(setq fill-column 120)
(setq elfeed-show-entry-switch #'my-show-elfeed)))
(defun my-show-elfeed (buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq buffer-read-only nil)
(goto-char (point-min))
(re-search-forward "\n\n")
(fill-individual-paragraphs (point) (point-max))
(setq buffer-read-only t)
(setq visual-fill-column-center-text t)
(visual-fill-column-mode 1))
(switch-to-buffer buffer)))
(setq elfeed-show-entry-switch #'switch-to-buffer)
(defadvice! +rss-elfeed-wrap-h-nicer ()
"Enhances an elfeed entry's readability by wrapping it to a width of
`fill-column' and centering it with `visual-fill-column-mode'."
:override #'+rss-elfeed-wrap-h
(setq-local truncate-lines nil
shr-width 160
visual-fill-column-center-text t
default-text-properties '(line-height 1.1))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t)
(inhibit-modification-hooks t))
(setq-local shr-current-font '(:family "Raleway" :height 1.1))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
;; Set up the mail stack
(after! mu4e (load! "+mail"))
;; HACK Enable AOT native compilation