\documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{moderncv} %% Documentation for this can be found here: %% http://ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/moderncv/examples/template.tex \usepackage{enumitem,fontspec} %% ModernCV themes \moderncvstyle{fancy} \moderncvcolor{blue} %\moderncvcolor{grey} \nopagenumbers{} %\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[scale=0.75,right=.45in,left=.45in,top=.4in,bottom=.4in]{geometry} %% Personal data \firstname{Ashton} \familyname{Wiersdorf} \title{Computer Scientist, PL Padawan, and Emacs Wizard} %% \address{867 Wymount Terrace}{Provo, UT 84604} %% \mobile{+1~(385)~250--8242} \email{\mbox{ashton.wiersdorf@pobox.com}} \homepage{\mbox{https://lambdaland.org/}} \social[github]{ashton314} \social[linkedin]{ashton-wiersdorf} %% \photo[64pt][0.4pt]{spock} %\quote{A native to the command line---I'm more at home with a keyboard than a mouse. I prefer automating most everything, so I can focus on interesting problems. When I'm not programming or doing homework, I enjoy reading, singing, and swimming.} \setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{1.7in} \newenvironment{tightitems} {\noindent\ignorespaces\vspace{-15pt} \begin{itemize}[topsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt,itemsep=0pt,parsep=0pt]} {\end{itemize}\vspace{-10pt}} \newenvironment{lesstightitems} {\noindent\ignorespaces \begin{itemize}[topsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt,itemsep=0pt,parsep=0pt]} {\end{itemize}\vspace{-10pt}} \begin{document} %% \setmainfont{Hoefler Text} %% \setmainfont{Baskerville} %% \setmainfont{CMU Serif} \setmainfont[ BoldFont = * Bold ]{Cormorant Garamond} \makecvtitle \section{Education} \cventry{2017--2021}{Bachelor of Science, Computer Science}{Brigham Young University}{Provo}{}{ \begin{tightitems} \item Minor: Mathematics \item 3.76 GPA \item Academic scholarship for half tuition \item Sang as member of the largest collegiate male choir in the US before world-wide audiences \end{tightitems}} %% \cventry{2010--2014}{Graduate}{Karl G. Maeser Preparatory Academy}{Lindon}{High Honors}{ %% \begin{tightitems} %% \item 2014 State Sterling Scholar runner-up in the Computer Technology division %% \item Won the 2013 Utah State Science Fair with a Scheme interpreter written in Perl (on GitHub) %% \item 34/36 ACT score %% \end{tightitems}} \section{Skill Set} \cvitem{Languages}{Elixir, Racket, Clojure, Perl, Rust, Go, Julia, Swift, Coq, Prolog} %% \cvitem{Advanced Languages}{Elixir, Perl, Clojure, Scheme, Racket, JavaScript} %% \cvitem{Intermediate Languages}{Rust, Go, Julia, Swift, Prolog, C++, Java} \cvitem{Frameworks}{Phoenix and Phoenix LiveView (Elixir), Ring (Clojure), Mojolicious (Perl)} \cvitem{Development Tools}{Emacs, GNU Make, Git, Docker, Travis CI, Bash, GitHub, GitLab} \cvitem{Platforms}{macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, iOS} \section{Work History} \cventry{January 2020--Present}{Software Engineer Intern}{TazWorks}{Draper, UT}{}{\begin{tightitems} \item Eliminated daily-occurring bugs in the company's core product \end{tightitems}} \cventry{September 2019--December 2019}{Intern}{20 Billion Neurons GmbH}{Berlin, Germany}{}{\begin{tightitems} \item Adapted a Golang project to be more robust under unstable network conditions \item Dockerized AI application; built Travis CI script to automatically build and push images \end{tightitems}} \cventry{April 2019--August 2019}{Software Engineer Intern}{TazWorks}{Draper, UT}{}{\begin{tightitems} \item Developed a DSL to replace several microservices with simpler in-line scripts \end{tightitems}} \cventry{December 2016--April 2019}{Programmer}{Student Life Technology at BYU}{Provo, UT}{}{\begin{tightitems} \item Stabilized decades-old legacy systems and introduced automated build strategies \item Introduced version control to office; GitLab now used to manage all projects \item Pioneered usage of a new framework which is now used office-wide \item Trained coworkers regularly; topics included Git Flow and the \mbox{Laravel} Web Framework \end{tightitems}} %% \nopagebreak \section{Personal Projects} \cvitem{}{ \begin{tightitems} \item Checkers player with custom-built Negamax search engine (Scheme, on GitHub) \item Web server simulating a genealogy program (Clojure) \item Lexer, parser, interpreter, and query optimizer for a Prolog-like language (C++) \item Multiple real-time web applications (Elixir, Phoenix Framework, on GitHub) \item Compiler for a small lambda calculus targeting x86 architecture (Racket, on GitHub) \end{tightitems}} %% \nopagebreak \section{Leadership and Teaching Experience} \cvitem{Volunteer}{Served as a full-time volunteer for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Germany\begin{lesstightitems} \item Learned to speak fluent German and taught myself conversational Chinese \item Trained volunteers weekly to improve volunteer effectiveness and well-being \item Organized service projects and meetings involving volunteers across Germany \end{lesstightitems}} \cvitem{Volunteer English Instructor}{Devised English lesson plans and instructed grade-school children in China for six weeks} \cvitem{Eagle Scout}{Planned and organized a food and clothing drive for the poor} %% \cvitem{}{ %% \begin{tightitems} %% \item Performed before world-wide audiences with various choirs, including the BYU Men's Chorus---the largest collegiate male choir in the United States. %% \item %% \item Served as a full-time volunteer for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Germany. Learned to speak fluent German and conversational Mandarin Chinese. Trained other volunteers on a weekly basis, organized meetings and service projects, and worked with people from dozens of nations. %% \end{tightitems}} \end{document}