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2021-06-26 18:33:18 +02:00
% Basic configuration
% Use 'KOMA-Script Book' as the document class
% Preload essentials
% Load some required packages
\usepackage{etoolbox} % Modding standard environments
\usepackage[fleqn,intlimits]{amsmath} % Common mathematical environments
\usepackage[svgnames]{xcolor} % Enables coloring of text and pages
\usepackage{hyperref} % Enables hyperlink generation
% Page design
% Font size
% Line spacing
% Paper format
% Duplex layout
% Page layout [1/sqrt(3)]
% Page layout [1/sqrt(2)]
% Page layout [Classic circle]
% Disable headers
% Font used for page numbers
% Use spacing instead of indentation to separate paragraphs
% Don't stretch the content to fill entire pages
% Don't break paragraphs because of a single line
% Permit some hyphenation in ragged-right blocks
% Document fonts
% Load font management packages
% Where to look for fonts
% Scale all fonts to the same x-height
% Use italics for all math letters
% Turn on "contextual alternates"
% Define commands to switch number style
% Serif font (used for body text)
\setmainfont{Libertinus Serif}%
UprightFont = {*-Regular},
ItalicFont = {*-Italic},
BoldFont = {*-Semibold},
BoldItalicFont = {*-SemiboldItalic},
Numbers = {OldStyle},
PunctuationSpace = 1.125
% Sans font (used for titling)
\setsansfont{URW Classico}%
UprightFont = {*-Regular},
ItalicFont = {*-Italic},
BoldFont = {*-Bold},
Numbers = {Proportional,Lining},
Scale = MatchUppercase
% Math font (used for equations)
\setmathfont{Libertinus Math}
% Table of contents
% Load a package for styling the table of contents
% Do not include subsections in the table of contents
% Fix vertical spacing after table of contents title
% Place page numbers right after the section entries
% Use tabular lining figures for the sections, but oldstyle figures for the pages
% Headings
% Change the font used for headings
% Change the sizes of chapters and sections
% Change spacing around chapters and sections
% Bringhurst-style chapter numbers in the margin
% Captions
% Change the font used for captions
% Change the font used for labels
% Add 2em margins on each side of the caption. (Since the default
% \parindent is 1em, this implies that the left end of the caption
% will always look one \parindent indented if it comes right before
% or after a new paragraph, and can thus prevent weird indentation.)
% Disable extra indentation of subsequent lines in a multiline caption
% Footnotes
% Make sure footnote marks are separated by commas and kerned properly
% Change the font used for footnotes
% Change the footnote marks to lining numbers
% Change the footnote marks to Latin letters
% Change the footnote marks to symbols
% Set the footnote rule length to the text width
% Remove the footnote rule entirely
% Adjust the footnote formatting and spacing
% Hyperlinks
% Table of contents links
% Color the hyperlinks
% Font used for hyperlinks
% Fix kerning problems for backslashes and redefine underscores in hyperlinks
\def\Url@underscore{\nfss@text{\leavevmode \kern.06em\vbox{\hrule height 0.12ex width 0.4em}}}
% References
% Bibliography backend (e.g. 'biber' or 'bibtex')
% Bibliography style (e.g. 'phys' or 'nature')
% Citation style (e.g. 'plain' or 'superscript')
% Enable multiple bibliographies with separate numbering
% Format for cross-references with \cref
% Postload packages
% Load the required packages
\usepackage{biblatex} % Produces the bibliography
\usepackage{ragged2e} % Permits ragged-right with hyphenation
\usepackage{nowidow} % Prevents widows and orphans in text
\usepackage{cleveref} % Easy and consistent cross-references
\usepackage{graphicx} % Loads and displays figures
\usepackage{pdfpages} % Enables embedding of documents
\usepackage{booktabs} % Proper formatting of tables
\usepackage{siunitx} % Proper formatting of units
\usepackage{mhchem} % Proper formatting of chemicals
\usepackage{lipsum} % Insertion of arbitrary content
% Miscellaneous
% Enforce a consistent Greek style
% Change the font used for tables
% Use lining numbers for chemistry and physics
% Format for typesetting physical units
% Use 2em equation indentation
% Replace \cite with the more flexible \autocite
% Define a custom color palette
\definecolor{whiteish}{rgb}{1.000, 0.964, 0.859}
\definecolor{rosewood}{rgb}{0.396, 0.000, 0.043}
% Declare a custom article format for my papers
% Where to look for figure files
% Custom macros
% Abbreviations
\newcommand{\eg}{e.g.\ }
\newcommand{\ie}{i.e.\ }
\newcommand{\cf}{c.f.\ }
\newcommand{\etal}{et al.\ }
% Common notation
% Common functions
% Document itself
% Import bibliographies